Monday 21 May 2012

Struggling to move on after our miscarriage

Two years ago we were blessed to have naturally conceived.  Sadly after 7 weeks we lost this precious life.

At six weeks 6 days we had a scan as my DW had some early spotting which gave the Doctors some concern. 

During the scan we heard the heart beat and saw the tiny pixelated flicker of our baby's heart. 

The next day it was gone and our hearts were broken.

Two years on his poem recalls this event, my feelings of guilt and sadness that I had to move on...

My heart stopped as yours first struggled to be made known. Proud and crisp I heard it beat, each rhythm stolen from mine, but I think you took more than you knew or ever meant.
You drew no breath but somehow gave life to my gasping dreams, but I think you promised too much, more than your little soul could bear.
You stole my heart and revealed the depth of night, but Daddy cannot reach you, pristine and beautiful, perfect and complete. Without a breath of your own.
Forgive me little one, Daddy must find his path and rediscover day.

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